
Cracking Borders, Rising Walls III: Europeanism vs. Nationalism? Competing Concepts of European Community

Editorial Team · 12 September 2018

We would like to cordially invite you to the 3rd edition of international conference “Cracking Borders, Rising Walls” organized jointly by Kultura Liberalna, Allianz Cultural Foundation and Foundation for German-Polish Cooperation, with the support of ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius, in Arnold Szyfman Polish Theatre in Warsaw.

This year’s edition entitled “Europeanism vs. Nationalism? The Competing Concepts of European Community” will be focused on a major conflict that divides Polish and international political stage: tension between competing visions of European Community. “Europeanism” represents concept of tighter EU integration, protection of human rights and liberal democracy. The opposite side of the dispute is in favour of Europe based more on national and Christian values. Other issues that differ “europanists” and “nationalists” is approach to religion (especially islam), family model or LGBT rights. With the help of invited journalists and academics we will try to analyze this conflict in the light of modern feeling of community and find the reasons of crisis that tears apart European Union.

LOCATION: Arnold Szyfman Polish Theatre, Karasia 2, 00-327 Warsaw
DATE: 13th September 2018
TIME 5:00 PM (registration starts at 4:00 PM)

The admission is free.

Co-organizers: The Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, Together Allianz Cultural Foundation
Supporters of Kultura Liberalna: ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius
Media patrons: Radio TOK FM, Rzeczpospolita
Partners: The Polish Theatre, Warsaw City Council, Centre de Civilisation Française de l’Université de Varsovie


4:00 PM Registration
5:00 PM Opening of the Conference: Andrzej Seweryn, Director of the Polish Theatre

5:30– 6:40 Panel I –New communities in the EU?
• dr. Christoph von Marschall (Der Tagesspiegel)
• David Goodhart (Policy Exchange)
• Natalie Nougayrède (The Guardian)
• prof. Jan Sowa (University of Warsaw)

Chair: dr. Jarosław Kuisz (Kultura Liberalna)

6:40– 7:00 Break, refreshments

7:00– 8:10 Panel II – Liberal democracy mid-life crisis?
• dr. Krzysztof Mazur (Jagiellonian Club)
• prof. Jan Zielonka (University of Oxford)
• dr. Hella Dietz (Zeit-Online)
• Jakub Iwaniuk (Le Monde)

Chair: dr. Karolina Wigura (Kultura Liberalna)