Special Reports READ ALL
I still believe in progress
How to preserve liberal values when institutions undermine them
We live in the world of losers
Hate at “The End of History”
Latest in Politics READ ALL
Latest in Culture READ ALL
Transformation READ ALL
Introduction. The Horizons Of a New Freedom
Liberalism, the Right and the Left – points of contention
Broken windmills – interpretations of success required by Poland today
A whole new sense of frustration
Multiculturalism READ ALL
Liberalism needs love
Damn the security!
Recipe for a social disaster
Covering up – a new form of exhibitionism?
Ukraine READ ALL
Affluent Poles looking at Ukraine – too much lecturing, not enough support
Different Ukrainians, different Poles
Explaining Europe to the Europeans
Maybe Russia would change its mind
Liberal Culture in Media READ ALL
I am greatly impressed by the intellectual level and organization of the Kultura Liberalna community.
Timothy Snyder, historian
I find Kultura Liberalna to be one of the most interesting young networks of intellectuals.
Agnieszka Holland, film director
The magazine introduces readers to the tradition of liberal thought understood not in a narrow, economic perspective, but emphasizing the most precious value of liberalism – human freedom. Such activity is not only important but indispensible in the modern world.
John Gray, philosopher
Kultura Liberalna is a unique phenomenon with a great importance for our culture.
Zygmunt Bauman, sociologist
Kultura Liberalna is an amazing magazine of young intellectuals.
Aleksander Smolar, President of Stefan Batory Foundation